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Du Plessis, R SC

R Du Plessis

Date of Admission: 1988-10-18
Date of Membership: 1989-01-30
Date of Senior Status: 2006-02-22
Tel: 0124528760
Fax: 0866038367
Mobile: 0832257134


He received his BLC degree cum laude from UP whilst being the best student, in 1984, and his LLB cum laude from UP whilst being the best student, in 1986, for which he received the Grotius medal from the Pretoria Bar.

He also did his articles at Rooth and Wessels whilst doing his LLB and was admitted as an attorney in 1987.

He received an LLM cum laude from Unisa in company law in 1988. 

He is a fellow of the Association of Arbitrators. He has had several acting appointments as a judge in the High Court.

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